This website is the best example of my web dev experience. Take a look at its repo, if you want to see what I've been doing with it lately.
<div id="root"></div>
$dark: #1a1d2d; $light: #696a70; $fontcolor: antiquewhite; body { background: $light; margin: 1rem; } .app-header { color: $fontcolor; } a:link { color: $dark; :hover { color: violet; cursor: pointer; } }
function App() { return ( <div className="resume"> <p> This is demoing the original "Content" component I wrote as "School" and how I genericized it.</p> <School /> <Content title="Contentified School" contents={schoolContent} /> </div> ); } // I wrote this first, then put it in a generic thing I can just pass the content into :) function School() { const [showSchool, setShowSchool] = React.useState(false); return ( <div> <ReactBootstrap.Button onClick={() => setShowSchool(!showSchool)}> School </ReactBootstrap.Button> {showSchool && <p>{schoolContent}</p>} </div> ); } function Content(props) { const [showContent, setShowContent] = React.useState(false); return ( <div> <ReactBootstrap.Button onClick={() => setShowContent(!showContent)}> {props.title} </ReactBootstrap.Button> {showContent && <p>{props.contents}</p>} </div> ); } const schoolContent = "I attended the University of Missouri-Columbia, graduating in December 2015 with a double major in Electrical and Computer Engineering and minors in Math and Computer Science. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA."; ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));